Incoming Kindergarten

Thank you for those that came to our Kindergarten getting to know you day. We were so glad that you were able to make it :) If you weren't able to make it here are a few things that we went over.

--Please bring in a birth certificate, immunization record and a proof of address (utility bill), we can copy this for you in the office.
--We have a packet of activities for you in the office when you drop off your papers:)
--Please register your student online, make sure to fill out the health history form and the form for all day kindergarten.
If you have registered and missed the form to fill out to let us know if you want all day kindergarten or AM please click on the link.
--First day of school for Kindergarten is August 31st. August 31 and September 1 will be minimum day.
--Please sign up for a kindergarten testing time at this link. Testing will be on August 21st & 22nd.

If you have any questions please email me at or call the office at 435-515-4141.
Thank you.